Hearts are breaking at this very moment
Four 4 of our homeless street youth just texted me asking "Where I'm going after the 8th" he is 19 and a homeless street youth down at the capital lake with possible 5 other youth sleeping in tents surrounding dead rats molded clothes snakes etc.
My opinion, it is so very wrong to clear this space during the holidays. But I also know it needs to be done. We tell the kids don't be reactive be proactive. Those who have kids know this doesn't register until it does happen. (Please don't judge)
I am pleading for your help! I have gone out and searched for these kids in general 3x in 4 years because of city displacement from the camps. It took me 3 days to finally find them each time. Now we are doing it again, but this time is worse.
There are so very many homeless camps big and small popping up everywhere. We have reached out to most of the camps that are close by to Olympia. If a solution is not found, we will lose the youth once again and may not be able to find them. Anything can happen to them. They would be like scared little puppies without support and a place to go. This feeling is not great at all, I've been in this mindless space before, of homelessness.
I am asking for your help in making room for 4 youth to sleep comfortable in a hotel for 23 days. Would you come together with Our Ark to support these youth to have a good Christmas, somewhere to lay their head, have a soft warm bed, hot shower, clean clothes. There is a shift going. Be a blessing.
Next option is hosting youth in your home.
They want to live a better life. They need your support. Being homeless living in a tent, car, wooded areas, is a struggle. I know.
What happens during the hotel stay. Mentors from Our Ark will monitor them, feed them, guide, and instruct. Would you help today or even being a part in support them in any ways with food, clean clothes, computer access etc? Please donate, volunteer to provide, care, show compassion, empathy, and kindness to them. They need your help.