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Communications Specialist

Job Location

Thurston County, WA

Published By

Our Ark

Type of Job

Part Time Volunteer

Published Date

April 12, 2021 at 7:00:00 AM

About the job

    We are looking to employ a Communications Specialist with exceptional public speaking and writing skills. A Communications Specialist is expected to be a strategic thinker with a meticulous attention to detail, working well under pressure and meeting deadlines.

    You will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to multitask and adapt in a fast-paced environment. To ensure success, Communications Specialists should be innovative, organized and self-motivated with a keen interest in driving strategic messages to key internal and external role-players.

    Communications Specialist Responsibilities:

    Develop and implement a communication strategy that includes media outreach and social media content creation.
    Research and write press releases, and content for the company website, infographics, blogs and newsletters.
    Acquire and maintain a detailed knowledge of the company’s policies, principles and strategies, and to keep up-to-date with relevant developments.
    Arrange and coordinate press conferences, and plan events.
    Facilitate the resolution of disputes with external role-players.
    Adhere to the company’s style guide, ensuring that we produce high-quality and error-free copy.
    Work with key internal role-players to brainstorm content ideas, in line with the company’s strategy and in support of various brand initiatives.
    Support and evaluate results of communication campaigns with the team.
    Build and maintain relationships with journalists and key external role-players.


This Job Is Ideal for Someone Who Is:

  • Dependable -- more reliable than spontaneous

  • People-oriented -- enjoys interacting with people and working on group projects

  • Adaptable/flexible -- enjoys doing work that requires frequent shifts in direction

  • Detail-oriented -- would rather focus on the details of work than the bigger picture

  • Achievement-oriented -- enjoys taking on challenges, even if they might fail

  • Autonomous/Independent -- enjoys working with little direction

  • Innovative -- prefers working in unconventional ways or on tasks that require creativity

  • High stress tolerance -- thrives in a high-pressure environment

Communications Specialist Requirements:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • High School diploma

  • Works well under pressure and meets tight deadlines.

  • Computer literate with capability in email, MS Office and related business and communication tools.

  • Content writing experience for all media platforms.

  • Social media and networking expertise.

  • Strategic and creative mindset.

  • Meticulous attention to detail.


  1. On-the-job training

  2. Brings fun and fulfillment to your life.

  3. Developing management skills

  4. Making our communities better to live and love 

  5. Learn how the best in the business do what they do

  6. Get an idea for their future career path

  7. Build self-confidence and develop a sense of responsibility

  8. Learn basic work skills such as putting together a resume, interviewing and working with different colleagues

About us

We are 100% volunteer led team of passionate people who are to support and help the youth on the streets to go from thriving to surviving through care, compassionate, committed adults in our communities. We adhere to our values of Compassion, Community (engaging individuals, building alliances), Commitment, Hope, Trust, Love, Respect, and Integrity. We love to have fun enjoying every moment we have with team members, youth, and our communities. We would love to have you a part of this team.


Olympia, WA, USA

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